This tradition is sometimes called "Religio Romana" or "Roman Paganism". To have your event listed here, send details to "editor AT cultusdeorumromanorum DOT org". Meetup tag for Twitter, Flickr and YouTube: #CDRMup.

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Romans, though you’re guiltless, you’ll still expiate
your fathers’ sins, till you’ve restored the temples,
and the tumbling shrines of all the gods,
and their images, soiled with black smoke.
~Horace, Odes, III, 6; A. S. Kline trans.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sellisternium to Bona Dea

M. Hortensia Maior Bonae Deae votum solvit libens merito.
(Marca Hortensia Maior gladly fulfilled a vow to the goddess Bona Dea to her merit.)

A sellisternium was offered to Bona Dea in Hungary in fulfillment of a vow. It is pietas to fulfill a vow. M. Hortensia Maior offers this report:
We had a wondeful sellisternium, the table was spread with a golden cloth, autumn flowers in various vases, Bona Dea's photo was mounted and set on a chair at her place. Livia Plauta made a Roman meal and it was delicious, we were also joined by her friend Lucretia Capillata. We praised Bona Dea, the goddess of women and homes and asked for favours. I encourage everyone to make a dinner, a sellisternium or lectisternium for the gods. It doesn't have to be elaborate, just set out a place and give the goddess or god the first and choice portions. May Bona Dea favour me, Livia and Lucretia for praising her name!! Bona Dea nobis fave!!

Ab ovo ...
... ad malum.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

November Calendar

The first day of the month is the Kalends, sacred to Juno. The Nones falls on the 5th and the Ides, sacred to Jupiter, falls on the 13th. The 2nd, 6th and 14th are unlucky (ater).

The major event this month is the Ludi Plebeii, the Plebeian Games. Legend places the Ludi in the early history of Rome, but the earliest mention is of the games in 216 BCE. (Livy 23.30). The last games on record were held in 354 CE (Calendar of Philocalus). By 207 BCE, the Ludi were celebrated over several days, from 4-17 November (Fasti Maffeiani). They began with a great pompa, or procession, led by statues of the Capitoline Triad, proceeding to the Circus, where gods and men joined to watch the races. Nine days of theatrical performances and four days of racing in the Circus lead up to the central focus of the Ludi, the Epulum Iovis, or feast of Jupiter, on the Ides. The Senators ate at public expense on the Capitoline, while the Roman public dined in the Forum.

Ideas for celebrating the Plebeian games:

  • Cook Roman food and have a Roman dinner. Set a place for Jupiter. (Epulum Iovis)
  • Organize, participate in or attend sporting events. Dedicate your participation to Jupiter.
  • Organize, participate in or attend theatrical events. Dedicate your participation to Jupiter.

Remember that the Roman religion is based on the community and the family. Make these into events for your family, friends or neighbors. The season of the Plebeian Games is also a good time to make some Roman clothes. Have a tunic-making party and you'll be ready for Saturnalia next month! Tunic instructions are here, and also see the bottom of this page for links to more Roman WikiHow articles.

Get ready for Saturnalia and support this site by purchasing from our shops:
All proceeds from these shops go to supporting the Cultus Deorum.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Welcome - Site update

Looking at the server logs I am happy to say that we have recently had visitors from as far north as Sweden and Canada and as far south as Argentina and Australia. In fact, we have had visitors from every continent!

This site has two parts: the calendar and news items in the blog itself, plus the introduction pages in the links across the top of the site. It has been very gratifying recently to have so much news to post, and from so many different places. On the other hand, work on the short introductions is moving ahead slowly. I add material as I have time, but I also welcome contributors. If you think you would be able to help with the writing, contact me at "editor AT cultusdeorumromanorum DOT org".

Even if you don't contribute, you can follow us. Check the links at the bottom of every page.

Finally, the Cultus Deorum Romanorum SATURNALIA shop is up with cards and buttons for your festive pleasure. Proceeds go to support this site. Links are at the bottom of the page.

Optime valete in cura deorum Romanorum!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Progress report: Temple of Jupiter

We recently reported here (Sarmatian Days) that a templum (sacred space) has been established in Sarmatia (Ukraine) for building an aedes (temple building) to Jupiter. Work is moving ahead rapidly. Here we see M. Octavius Corvus and another cultor at work on the building's foundation, which follows the line of the templum that was created earlier by augur publicus M. Lucretius Agricola and pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.

The building of this temple is in fulfillment of a votum sworn by T. Iunius Brutus, Ap. Furius Lupus and M. Octavius Corvus and it is assisted by the entire community of Romans in Municipium Poltava. More photos are here.

"II Conventus Novae Romae North America" success

C. Petronius Dexter et
M. Moravius Piscinus
Early reports indicate that the "II Conventus Novae Romae North America", held over October 8th – 11th 2010 in Brunson So. Carolina was well attended and a big success.

This post will be updated with reports of more cultus events shortly. A collection of photos is here and the official blog is here.

On the 4th day, M. Aquillius Rota took the toga virilis in an inspiring and moving ritual. Flamen Portunalis C. Petronius Dexter led the rite in Latin. Congratulations to M. Aquillius for completing this rite of passage, marking his entry into manhood.

M. Aquillius Rota (L). Magistra et Senator Novae Romae A. Tullia Scholastica (R) assisting Sacerdos et Flamen Portunalis, Tribunus Novae Romae Petronius Dexter (Center). Not visible Sacerdos Prima A.AE et Sacerdos Veneris Genetricis, Curulis Aedilis Novae Romae L. Iulia Aquila, who said the ritual in English assisted by Sacerdos Vestalis, Questor Novae Romae C. Maria Caeca.

Lares statues on sale at Sacred Source

Lares statues (8", about 20 cm tall, made of clay) from Sacred Source are now marked down significantly. See them here.

Roman Ritual in Budapest

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and C. Cocceius Spinula perform ritual in the ruins of Aquincum (Budapest) and demonstrate correct form.

Both are capite velato (heads covered). With their right hands they each hold a patera over the focus of the altar. The free hand is open and palm upwards, directed to the heavens; a gesture appropriate for celestial deities.

Note also that they have correctly placed a piece of turf on the altar itself, and the fire is on the turf.

Friday, October 1, 2010

October Calendar

The first day of each month is the Kalends, sacred to Juno. The Nones falls on the 7th. The Ides, sacred to Jupiter, falls on the 15th. The 2nd, 8th and 16th are unlucky (ater).

Sacra Publica
11th Meditrinalia
13th Fontinalia
15th Equus October
19th Armilustrium

Two important cycles are observed in October. The agricultural cycle is represented by the Meditrinalia (sampling the new wine) and the Fontinalia (controlling natural water courses and springs). The end of the military season is marked by the Equus October and Armilustrium.


Jay Walljasper put it very well, writing in the Utne Reader in 2001:
"Of all the mysteries of life on earth, none is more wondrous than water. An alchemical creation out of two common elements, it fosters all plant, animal, and human existence. This fact is easily overlooked in an age when the twist of a wrist brings an unending flow of the life-giving liquid, but to our ancestors around the world water was a miracle deserving of worship. Across pagan lands, explains Anneli Rufus in the World Holiday Book, rivers, springs, and wells were revered as homes of the gods. Holy wells can still be found throughout the world today, including more than 3,000 in Ireland alone.

"At the end of the sultry summer season in ancient Rome, citizens celebrated Fontinalia, a tribute to Fontus, a water god, by decorating public fountains with garlands of flowers and throwing petals into the waters. At a time when drought and water pollution threaten millions of people and multinational corporations are hatching plans to privatize water resources in the developing world, we too should be grateful for the gift of fresh water. Celebrate Fontinalia by finding ways to reduce your use of water, by lending a hand to environmental organizations fighting to provide access to clean water for everyone on the planet, and by planning a water-worship ritual of your own—perhaps sprinkling flowers into a nearby stream or lake." Source

October 8th – 11th: "II CONVENTVS NOVAE ROMAE NORTH AMERICA", sponsored by AVSTRORIENTALIS PROVINCIA of Nova Roma. Castra Rota, 79 No. Manker Street, Brunson So. Carolina. Several reconstructed rituals are planned.