Sacra Publica
13th - 22nd: Parentalia
13th - 15th: Lupercalia
17th: Quirinalia
21th: Feralia
22nd: Caristia
23rd: Terminalia
27th: First Equirria
The first day of the month is the Kalends, sacred to Juno. The Nones falls on the 5th and the Ides, sacred to Jupiter, falls on the 13th. The 2nd, 6th and 14th are unlucky (ater).13th - 22nd: Parentalia
13th - 15th: Lupercalia
17th: Quirinalia
21th: Feralia
22nd: Caristia
23rd: Terminalia
27th: First Equirria
Ovid (Fasti II) says:
The fathers of Rome called purification februa
Many things still indicate that meaning for the word.
Februa is a goddess of purification, and a primary theme this month is "purification". In the oldest Roman calendar, the year began on March 1st, so February, the last month, was a time of purification before the starting of the year.