The major event this month is the Ludi Romani (Roman Games). Celebrate the Ludi Romani from the 5th through the 19th, avoiding the unlucky days on the 6th and 14th. The Ludi Romani themselves are held in honor of Jupiter and are centered around the Ides, which itself is always sacred to Jupiter and which this month is also the Epulum Iovis, a feast honoring Jupiter.
Traditionally, the Roman Games started with a procession from the Capitoline Temple of Jupiter to an altar in the Circus Maximus. They featured chariot races, boxing, and gladiatorial contests as well as theatrical competitions featuring Greek and Roman classics and new plays.
Ideas for celebrating the Roman games:
- Cook Roman food and have a Roman dinner. Set a place for Jupiter. (Epulum Iovis)
- Organize, participate in or attend sporting events. Dedicate your participation to Jupiter.
- Organize, participate in or attend theatrical events. Dedicate your participation to Jupiter.
Remember that the Roman religion is based on the community and the family. Make these into events for your family, friends or neighbors. The season of the Roman Games is also a good time to make some Roman clothes. Have a tunic-making party and you'll be ready for Saturnalia later in the year! Tunic instructions are here, and also see the bottom of this page for links to more Roman WikiHow articles.
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