The gods exist and are essentially benevolent. A natural relationship unites people with the gods. Human relationship with the gods requires human action. The gods can communicate their will. We promote "religio" and "pietas" and we abhor "superstitio".
"Religio" is the attitude that the gods are the benevolent partners of mortals in the management of the world, and that the prescribed rituals are the proper return for the help that is provided by the gods.
"Pietas" is sincere diligence in fulfilling the requirements of the partnership with the gods and in honoring all obligations.
"Superstitio" is the belief that the gods are vengeful or jealous, and any excessive and slavish behavior that is intended to placate them, and the desire to extract knowledge or power from the relationship with them.
Here are some comments that came back:
- "It's short, sweet and to the point. I like it."
- "I dislike hard definitions, it absolutely smacks of Christianity."
- "I think this description is concise and covers the important core concepts without closing various people out."
- "I agree with your statements. I would, of course, capitalize "Gods" and include "Goddesses". I would expand on the first paragraph, but then I am usually wordy. Under the part on superstitio, I might replace "behavior" with "misuse of ritual""
- "Well said, I agree."
- "I find this very well written, and it can probably do as a generic introduction. I can't think of anything to add at this point."
- "I agree with every point but the last. Gods can be cruel if they feel to be."
- "Seems reasonable enough. I might suggest a few alterations..."
So the "ayes" have it. It is safe to say that "the majority of cultores deorum Romanorum tend to agree with this statement". Based on feedback, I have tweaked the form somewhat, but the meaning is still the same:
The gods exist and are essentially benevolent. A natural relationship unites people with the gods. Human relationship with the gods requires human action. The gods can communicate their will. We promote "religio" and "pietas" and we avoid "superstitio".
"Religio" is the attitude that the gods are the benevolent partners of mortals in the management of the world, and that the prescribed rituals are the proper return for the help that is provided by the gods.
"Pietas" is sincere diligence in fulfilling the requirements of the partnership with the gods and in honoring all obligations. In contrast, "Superstitio" is any excessive and slavish behavior that is intended to placate the anger of the gods, or the desire to extract knowledge or power from the gods.
I want to thank everyone who participated in this survey. I hope that this description will help us to build our communities.
I would agree with it, but with the caveat that despite the Gods' essentially benevolent nature, They do have Their own agendas and goals, the fulfillment of which may prove negative for individual life in the short term, even if positive for life as whole in the long run.