This tradition is sometimes called "Religio Romana" or "Roman Paganism". To have your event listed here, send details to "editor AT cultusdeorumromanorum DOT org". Meetup tag for Twitter, Flickr and YouTube: #CDRMup.

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Romans, though you’re guiltless, you’ll still expiate
your fathers’ sins, till you’ve restored the temples,
and the tumbling shrines of all the gods,
and their images, soiled with black smoke.
~Horace, Odes, III, 6; A. S. Kline trans.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Calling all Cultores!

I just had a look at this blog's stats, and what a surprise! Our readership is still rising, and I see that we have had recent visitors from around the world. I see connections from Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, UK and USA. This is both amazing and gratifying, and especially so seeing that this blog is only in English.

This seems like a good time to repeat my solicitation for submissions and participation.

Please write to me at "" with any of the following:
  • Announcements of coming events or
  • Reports of recently past events or
  • Book or film reviews or
  • Links to individual or community blogs or websites or
  • Any other news...

...related to or focused on the Cultus Deorum.

To promote global networking, we accept material in any language.

We also welcome participation in any language on our Facebook group.

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