This tradition is sometimes called "Religio Romana" or "Roman Paganism". To have your event listed here, send details to "editor AT cultusdeorumromanorum DOT org". Meetup tag for Twitter, Flickr and YouTube: #CDRMup.

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Romans, though you’re guiltless, you’ll still expiate
your fathers’ sins, till you’ve restored the temples,
and the tumbling shrines of all the gods,
and their images, soiled with black smoke.
~Horace, Odes, III, 6; A. S. Kline trans.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pagan Network News from France

My title is somewhat tongue in cheek, but I am sincerely happy to have received this recent (quadri-lingual!) message from "Forum des spiritualités Grecques et Romaines AGORA":

Галльський язичників язичники сарматської, привіт
Ми раді бачити, що в Сарматія честь римських богів.
Ми раді вітати Вас.
Ціна тобі добре.
Gallic pagans pagans Sarmatian, hello
We are pleased to see that as Sarmatia honored the Roman gods.
We welcome you.
Fare thee well.
Les païens gaulois aux païens sarmates, salut
Nous nous réjouissons de voir que la Sarmatie aussi honore les dieux romains.
Nous te souhaitons la bienvenue.
Porte-toi bien.
This is further evidence that our network of Cultores Deorum is growing. I am especially pleased that our scattered communities are reaching out to each other.

I have reported on the Sarmatians (especially in Poltava) before, but the contact with the Francophone community is new. I hope that this is the beginning of a long relationship with them.

If anyone knows of any Cultus blogs in French, please let me know so I can add them to the blogroll. I would also be happy to carry reports of Cultus activity in France.

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